Saturday, 20 November 2010

Tragic flaw

This is a piece about J., possibly the world's most frustrating sub.  I met him a few years ago when I needed help with my overgrown garden.  He came to my rescue and asked nothing in return. We became friends. A little later, he came to help me put up some curtain poles. He worked hard all evening (mainly because he didn't have the right tool for the job) and we ended sitting on paint cans in an empty and echoey house eating a Chinese.

We went to the LFF together one time and we've kept in email contact, with him promising to visit and me... waiting for him to visit.  J. is a kind man but he is unreliable so whatever promise he makes, I know to take it with a pinch of salt. I am still waiting for him to collect his bottle of alcohol from my summer holiday. August to November is a long time, I am sure you will agree. In the meantime, my housekeeper thinks I am a secret drinker for keeping alcohol in my bedroom. LOL

I get so angry with him that I want to scream! But he always manages to swing things round and make me feel like I am the unreasonable one, whereas he is the one with all the excuses. He writes me some beautiful letters, things that make me melt and think 'oh I can't let him go, he is so sweet!' even when he comes to me empty-handed saying he forgot my biscuits at home.

He could be the world's best man, sub, lover, employee - everything - but for his tragic flaw. I want to understand him, but I can't. I don't do well with long-distance relationships. I want my friends to be present and correct.

I suppose I'll have to find someone else to entertain me...

Free alcohol anyone?

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